No Kindle? No Worries.

You may have noticed that some of my books are only available on Amazon. This is because they are enrolled in an exclusive program. If it were up to me, all my books would be available everywhere, but unfortunately my landlord says I still have to pay rent, and so sometimes I have to bow to the great dollar. The end result being, sometimes some of my books might not be available in your favourite store.

This could be frustrating if you don’t have a Kindle, but you still have options:

Option 1 – the easiest and quickest option.

Download Amazon’s FREE Kindle app by clicking here.

The Kindle app works with just about any device:
– Smartphone (iPhone/iPod touch/Android/Windows/Blackberry)
– Tablet (iPad/Android/Windows)
– Computer (Mac/Windows)

Once you’ve downloaded the free Kindle app, you can purchase the book from Amazon and it will automatically appear in your app.

Option 2 – if you own a Nook/Kobo/other ereader, you can use a free program called Calibre to convert your Amazon books.

1) Download Calibre from here: download Calibre

2) Install Calibre

3) Add your purchased Amazon book to Calibre and click convert, selecting epub as your output format.

4) Locate the output file and copy it to your device.

NB: I am in no way connected to Calibre, so please see their website if you need further support.

Option 3 – if you own a Nook/Kobo/other ereader, and you find Calibre too fiddly, there are a number of websites that offer free ebook conversion, but they may not be as powerful as Calibre.

Try searching for “convert mobi to epub” and you’ll find some sites, e.g.

Option 4 – if you own a Nook/Kobo/other ereader and can’t download the free kindle app or use the methods listed above.

1) Purchase the ebook/s from Amazon and find the receipt that Amazon send via email.

2) Forward the email receipt Amazon to: along with a note stating which reading device you have.

3) I will email you the ebook in a format suitable for your device as soon as I possibly can, but please be aware that I’m on Australian time.